
The classroom has many opportunities to capitalize on the presence of the representational 我们社区的多样性,尤其是我们教学的多样性. 以下 resources suggest a number of actions to take to make our classrooms as healthy and 为所有学生提供一个安全的学习环境. 这些资源还包括 a number of suggestions for engaging with particular diversity topics.

课堂环境An animation of students seated in a theater-style classroom with hands raised and light bulbs flashing above their heads.





找点东西放到你的教学大纲上? 下面是两段你可以 希望考虑使用. 第二段是一个基本的陈述,然而作者10 of this sample suggests adding the first to address bullying as well.

学生应充分参与所有的课堂活动. 这是预料之中的 that students will be open-minded and participate fully in discussions in class and 在网上以成熟和尊重的方式进行辩论. 使用贬损的、居高临下的、 或攻击性语言,包括亵渎是被禁止的. 例如,单词如 "stupid" and "dumb" have no place in describing another person's statement. 记住, 分歧是健康的,完全可以接受的. 表达不同意见 include an explanation of your reasoning and, whenever possible, evidence to support 你的位置. 课堂参与度包括在期末成绩中.

In accordance with 圣何塞州立大学's Policies, the Student Code of Conduct, and applicable state and federal laws, discrimination based on gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or 禁止任何形式的残疾.

Hot Topics: Engaging with 社会 Inequality and Current Topics in Class



Regarding the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA in August 2017







"How 'Flipping' the Classroom Can Improve the Traditional Lecture" in the Chronicle 高等教育






Zinn教育项目 website offers free, downloadable lessons and articles 按主题、时间段和阅读水平组织. Zinn教育项目是 coordinated by two non-profit organizations, Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change. Its goal is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history than is found in traditional textbooks and curricula.


SoJust is a collection of historic speeches, songs, poetry, and essays on human rights 以及社会公正. It is a project of EdChange, a source of professional development, research, and resources for diversity, multiculturalism, and cultural competence.


资源 for Change is a clearing-house for anti-discrimination education resources and is designed for educators and individuals committed to making positive change. 这是媒体获取教育协会的一个项目.


The 传媒教育基金会 produces and distributes documentary films and other educational resources to inspire critical reflection on the social, political, and 美国大众传媒的文化影响. 除了他们的电影,MEF还提供学习 guides, transcripts, and other materials that support the use of their films in the 教室及其他场地.


多元文化,反歧视,还管辖规模 & 多元化活动及练习

多样性 Activities for Youth and Adults (from Penn State University)

LGBT Classroom 教师资源 (from University of Minnesota)


Team-Based Learning (TBL) is an increasingly-popular form of small group learning. The four comp一个nts of TBL are permanent teams, readiness assurance, application activities, 以及同行评价. TBL甚至可以在带有固定设备的大型剧院式教室中使用 座位. TBL teachers report high levels of student attendance, preparation, participation 批判性思维. 据报道,TBL学生更有动力,也更享受课堂 更多,即使科目不是他们的专业.


This wiki promotes best teaching practices in economics, particularly practices that encourage women, students of color, and members of other underrepresented groups to 继续学习经济学. 在这里,经济学家可以传播和发现处方 为了改善我们的教学和学科的包容性. 教学策略 offered here are presented alongside evidence of their effectiveness and practical 实施建议. wiki还提供描述模式的数据 participation in our profession and opportunities for thoughtful reflection on why inclusion and diversity are important to the future of economic theory and policymaking.


2 哈佛大学博克教与学中心
3 U of Michigan's Multicultural Teaching Services for 教师 and GSIs 网页
4 Virginia Commonwealth University's Center for Teaching Excellence 网页
5 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校卓越教师中心网页
6 威斯康星大学白水分校的学习中心网页
7 U of Michigan's Center for Research on Learning and Teaching 网页
8U of Northern Iowa's InTime Integrating New Technologies Into the Methods of 教育 网页9 摘自高等教育纪事报
10格雷格MiragliaLGBT研究项目 at 纳帕谷学院
来自加州大学伯克利分校 教与学中心

12 摘自高等教育纪事报 by Viji Sathy and Kelly A. 霍根