Transforming the Way We Teach


A professor holds out her arm towards the classroom as she speaks.
儿童和青少年发展助理教授艾伦·米多在她的课堂上, 防. Jim Gensheimer摄.

How can pursuing an 教育 help you find your voice — and how can you use your 改变他人的声音?

圣何塞州立大学 康妮L. 卢里教育学院 颠覆高等教育中的等级制度主要是“系统性种族主义”吗 这在历史上阻碍了我们的BIPOC(黑人、土著、 People of Color) students, staff, and faculty,” 一个 initiative at a time. 开始 in 2018, Dean Heather Lattimer invited students, staff and faculty to participate 在长达一年的战略规划过程中集思广益,以创新的方式颠覆 教育. How could each department, from Teacher 教育 to Communicative Disorders 创造一个促进包容性、多样性和反种族主义的环境 认为?

第一步? 听. 听 to our teachers, undergraduates, graduate students and staff as well as educators working in the field, researchers and policymakers. 听讲师喜欢 玛塞拉的地方, 05年语言病理学硕士,22年教育博士,他不仅自愿为战略服务 planning committee but also proposed a minor in Transformative Leadership 与…合作 Rebeca Burciaga, professor of 教育al leadership and Chicana and Chicano 研究.

玛塞拉的地方 and Rebeca Burciaga next to a power fist with a pencil. 最上面一排:丽贝卡·布尔西亚加,教育领导力和墨西哥裔美国人与墨西哥裔美国人教授 研究. Bottom row: 玛塞拉的地方, ’05 MA Speech Pathology, ’22 EdD.

“We need to think about changing paradigms,” says McCollum. “我们不能只是提供 告诉你如何克服生活中存在的挑战的课程或教科书 current 教育al systems as they are designed. We want students to question why 事情本来就是这样的. We want them to have the tools, so they can push back 当事情看起来不公平时.”

在长达一年的过程中,战略规划委员会采访了学生, gathered research and collaborated to update the college mission. 委员会成立了 an 身份的声明 形成了四大战略支柱——社区参与、文化可持续性、 全面的方法和跨学科的合作-这结合了学院的 跨部门工作. Faculty, staff and students were then invited to submit grant proposals for endeavors that aligned with those pillars. 

Luz Nicacio, 21年的《菠菜网lol正规平台》,作为唯一的 对委员会的本科生帮助审核拨款提案,提供反馈意见 to those submitting ideas and select those that would be awarded funding.

她说:“我看到我的声音对决定学院的方向有多大的影响力。. “成为委员会的一员让我知道,我的学校重视学生的意见 而且很关心我们.”


Three diverse toddlers smiling while playing.

Several projects were funded during the first two years of the grant program. 一个十字架 其中包括成立的学生校友网络“早期儿童联系” 由 幼儿研究所; the 健康发展诊所, a cross-department collaboration to create a wellness clinic at a school site; the Queer Educators and Counselors Network, a professional learning community; and the Institute for Emancipatory 教育, spearheaded by Burciaga, among others.

父亲的女儿 著名的奇卡诺壁画家 布西亚加是一名教育管理人员,在斯坦福大学的校园里长大, 她在哪里观察到大学提供的机会——以及其中的不平等 sometimes created, especially among communities of color. As an academic and professor, 她开始寻找创造性的方法来颠覆高等教育中根深蒂固的等级制度.

“我第一次对教育产生兴趣的经历是看到第一代学生 大学生,主要是墨西哥裔美国人和拉丁裔学生来上大学 校园里找个家. What if we started connections earlier?她说。. 

作为一名专注于领导力发展的教授,她看到了重塑的机会 traditional notions of school leaders. That’s why she was eager to partner with McCollum in creating the Transformative Leadership minor.

“我在教育领导方面注意到,我们有很多学生 他不一定想当校长,但他真的想做出改变 in their schools,” Burciaga adds.

他们的目标受众? Undergraduate students who want to develop the leadership skills 需要调查和重新思考教育系统:什么有效,什么无效, 对谁来说呢??

“这门辅修课程不是关于职位领导的——有很多课程都侧重于此 on getting you to management,” says McCollum. “When we interviewed students and asked them to identify a leader, many of them said their mom. This program emphasizes that they don’t have to be a positional leader to change the world.”


除了她的工作与变革领导辅修,Burciaga领导 教育al Leadership MA program 并担任解放教育研究所的执行主任 (IEE). All of these programs share a commitment to equity, social justice and redefining 教育的未来.

“的 IEE is really grounded in the idea that people should be active participants in transforming their own world and their own social conditions,” says Burciaga.

她补充说,因为教育工作者经常感到“应试教学”的压力,所以确实如此 increasingly important that they be free to revamp 教育al approaches. “ 看起来好像我们能够解开他们的手,解放他们的教学权力?”

麦科勒姆认为,如果教育工作者能够自由地重新设想他们的教学方式,也许会更好 通过教学,他们可以让学生接触到他们可能没有的职业道路 否则视为.

如果不是上海州立大学交际障碍与科学名誉教授 格洛丽亚·韦丁顿,她在麦科勒姆从大学毕业后不久就雇佣了她 of San Francisco, she may have never considered speech pathology. 最初的地方 had her sights set on becoming a family therapist. She wanted to help vulnerable children -那些被虐待或被忽视的人,那些面临无家可归或粮食不安全的人, or whose parents were incarcerated. She was unfamiliar with speech pathology, in part 因为她从未见过像她这样的双语专业人士担任这个角色.

“One day, Gloria said, ‘What do you think is the most powerful thing you can give 那些孩子? Maybe it’s the ability to tell their story,’” McCollum remembers. “She told me about a grant for bilingual educators and encouraged me to apply for 菠菜网lol正规平台’s master’s program in speech pathology.”

麦科勒姆希望,通过改变教育领导力的格局,她可以做到这一点 encourage students in her classes to mentor their future students or clients much 就像韦丁顿为她所做的那样——通过发现潜力并创造机会 for those who historically have been excluded.


由于战略规划进程始于2019冠状病毒病大流行之前,许多国家的战略规划进程 项目必须不断发展. When it became clear that the pandemic would stretch beyond the initial two-week lockdown, the college launched the K-12教学学院 2020年夏天. In an era when most teachers had limited training on how to teach online, the free webinars offered practical tips for any一个, anywhere.

通过召集专家讨论教育工作者面临的挑战 该项目利用了学院的四大支柱——社区 参与、文化可持续性、整体方法和跨学科合作. 来自全国各地的反馈蜂拥而至:网络研讨会的浏览量已超过2.5万 时间和重点 ABC7lol菠菜网正规平台, EdSource,和 COVID-19 CA网站

IEE offered a similar online seminar series 在2021年初,特别关注解放教育和反种族主义教学法.

“我们合作的空间在不断扩大,而且是在疫情的背景下 以及去年夏天的种族清算,”布尔西亚加说,他指的是乔治的谋杀案 Floyd and subsequent national dialogue. 

“如果没有‘黑人的命也是命’的推动,很多工作都不可能发生. I’m mindful of the times that we are in and who this work really rests on.”

拉蒂默院长补充说,这些项目是通过战略规划过程引入的 ,旨在让学生成为当前和未来的领导者 从自己的生活经历中汲取力量,进行急需的变革 我们社会的变化.”

“在硕士课程和领导力辅修课程之间,我们对老师的修改 教育和我们关于谁被雇用来教学和实施变革的对话, I really think that what we are doing is foundational,” says McCollum. “它有 potential to shift the foundation of 教育.”

了解更多有关 Lurie College’s strategic vision.